BGEA - My Hope Brochure
BGEA exists to support and extend the evangelistic calling and ministries of Billy and Franklin Graham by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all they can by every effective means available and by equipping others to do the same.
BGEA Canada brought the My Hope campaign to Canada from the US. They needed a strong brochure to be used nationwide. The result from us was a high impact piece that led the viewer through the vision of the campaign. We designed the brochure to ensure the story would unfold: The viewer opens the door into a home where My Hope is in progress. Concise text explanations follow. Billy Graham's portrait is at the end reminding us the trusted man himself is behind this. The back panels have contact and response information. This brochure was received by hundreds of churches and thousands of individuals across Canada.
The front and back of the brochure.
The brochure opens to a two-panel spread with strong photography followed by a concised text brief and ending with Billy Graham's image, a trusted face worldwide.