Young Life IronBike
Gil Ngai
This weekend is Young Life's IronBike event. This charity ride raises funds and awareness to care for struggling teenagers in Calgary. I have been volunteering on the committee for this event for the past 2 years. This year has certainly been a faith experience: the route for the ride, highway 40 over the Highwood Pass, was closed up until only a few days ago, due to the recent Alberta flooding.
The event is a 150km, one-day cycling event in the spectacular Kananaskis, sponsored by and starting at the Delta Kananaskis Lodge. What's exciting this year is that it is happening simultaneously with the Tour of Alberta, one of the biggest cycling events in Canada, which ends in downtown Calgary on Sunday, Sept. 8th.
I have cycled in the IronBike the past 2 years raising funds for Young Life. The experience has been one of the most memorable in my life. This year I will be on the support crew as the official photographer and videographer.
Participating in these endurance events reminds me of an important lesson in my professional life. When we focus our mental and physical energies, and commit to staying the course, we almost always achieve something great. Its about stretching our brains and our hearts. Its about moving with direction and purpose. Its affixing our eyes on the target, with the goal in sight and the reward to come. Whenever I have done this I have achieved spectacular results. For me and my clients, this is a win-win situation. I grow personally in significant ways and they gain a powerful creative product.